Trishla Builders become the backbone of young minds.

harish gupta

Builders at Trishla City have always believed in doing good for the people. Be it their residents, colleagues or distant associations, they’ve always tried to contribute with best of their capabilities to foster their growth and live their finest selves. In pursuance of the same ideology, Trishla Builders contributed to the education of torch bearers of our country by building a big hall in a Government School of village Nabha Sahib of district Mohali. Not only this, Trishla Builders also extended their philanthropic hands to undertake some major and many minor renovations in and around the school campus to ensure a comfortable, hospitable and convenient learning space for the young minds. Furthermore, Trishla Builders also granted 20 thousand notebooks and other stationary items that would cater to around 4 thousand. 

Having said that, Trishla Builders one again proves themselves to be no. 1 trusted builders in the region with their dedication to serve the community. First by providing habitable nature-inspired homes to their residents for clean-healthy lifestyle and now again, in addition to many of their other contributions to the community by providing a hall that students of the school can cherish for many years to come and utilize it to the best of their potential.